Monarch Butterfly Costume Ideas
Butterfly season is coming to a close, but there’s still ample opportunity to celebrate monarchs during the fall season…
Halloween provides the perfect occasion to dress up as the orange and black beauties across North America, and is the perfect time to celebrate the end of their annual fall migration.
Click to Find Monarch Butterfly Costume ideas for Girls on Etsy
Click to Find Monarch Butterfly Costume Ideas for Girls on Amazon

Click to Find Monarch Butterfly Costume Ideas for TODDLERS on Etsy
Click to Find Monarch Butterfly Costume Ideas for TODDLERS on Amazon
Click Here to Find Fantasy Butterfly Cloaks and Scarves
Simple Monarch Butterfly Costume Ideas for Men, Women, and Kids
This monarch butterfly costume ensemble would look great together, but each piece is available separately. You could put together a butterfly Halloween couples costume or get butterfly shirts for the entire family.
Click the photos and links below each photo for more info or to purchase:
1. Monarch and the Batterflies T-shirt- choose size, style, and color

Click Here to See the Full MONARCULA Butterfly Halloween Shirt Collection

Click Here to See the Full BOOTERFLY Butterfly Halloween Shirt Collection
2. Find Butterfly Antennae Head Bands
A variety of butterfly inspired headbands that are easy to put on and remove.
3a. Find Monarch Butterfly Masks on Amazon
3b. See More Monarch Mask Ideas on Etsy
Choose a monarch mask to suit your individual style!
4. Customizable Vampire Batterfly Fangs (Optional)
Two small vampire teeth are ultra-realistic and easy to use. Customize to your teeth once, and use them for years.
Butterfly Halloween Treats
Now that you’ve found a monarch butterfly costume for the festivities, don’t show up to the Halloween party empty-handed! Hand-crafted monarch butterfly Halloween cookies make a delicious halloween treat. Find your favorite cookie designer by clicking the link below…

Buy Monarch Butterfly Halloween Cookies Here
I hope enjoyed these Monarch Butterfly Costume Ideas and have a most Happy Halloween!
Our RTM total was 133, with a full season total of 216…the best we’ve ever done! This is our 4th season of raising. The biggest beneficial change we made this year was our use of food. Rather than cutting large milkweed branches, I used smaller clippings in floral tubes. Keeping up with demand was more work, but well worth the effort. The main loss problem we have is occurring right now, as our late season butterflies are emerging deformed. We’re not certain of the cause.
I am participating again in your annual RAISE THE MIGRATION. I have been rearing monarchs since 2013. This season was the first year I had casualties . Approx 3/4 of my 40-50 cats died in first instar. Stopped eating and rolled over.? It was upsetting. I do now have 30 chrysalis looking good and hopefully will join the 2017 migration.:)
Hi Tony,
I enjoy your informative website. I planted milk weed this year, and I raised and released 12 monarch butterflies with my goddaughter. Truly a magical experience!
Thank you again,
From rescue California
A fellow local conservationist suggested that all the monarch conservation people in Kansas City wear those monarcula t-shirts to an upcoming formal partner event. I think I’ll stick with my butterfly shawl, and dress. You have some cute ideas here though.
thanks Bibi…hope you have a successful event!
On the subject of Monarch costumes, I can give you an idea as to what my friend and I are doing for the grand opening of our Monarch Waystation in a local state park. We purchased black “Monarcula” tees. Monarch wings from the Butterfly Place, and plan to wear them with black long pants (we’re too old for leotards, but if your bod is still up for it that might be better), and I’m gonna make chenille pipecleaner antennae. Hope this spurs your imagination!
Thanks for your helpful emails. I am so very much enjoying my monarchs here in SW Florida. They are abundant and veracious eaters. I have been cutting my milkweed and successfully transplanting the cuttings. They have still eaten everything. I’m not sure if there is a slow down period here for them, but I just love seeing them flutter all around. We released three yesterday, two more today and have about 8 more chrysalis to hatch. We are in perpetual cycles. I wonder if these monarchs migrate? Why would they, it is so beautiful here?!
Hi Judy! I’m in San Diego,CA. and I am still finding cat’s on My Milkweed plants! It’s been HOT here. Got to 101F. today. The night’s have cooled to low of 55-60& some 70’s evening’s. I’m so close to Mexico, I don’t know if it stops here either. In the Spring temp’s were in the 50’s & raining but there was not a lack of cat’s on the Milkweed! So I wonder too? I don’t know what “Zone” I’m in for the migration. Still seeing lot’s of all specie’s of Butterfly here. Guess I will have to See! Best of luck!
I clicked on the recipe link at the bottom of the page and got a fish and chips recipe. I will try that too but do you have a butterfly cookie recipe? I have a butterfly shaped cookie cutter. Also I clicked on the women’s butterfly costume and got a picture of it but not ordering instructions.
Bonnie The Plant Lady
Thanks Bonnie! It’s great to get feedback from the community when things aren’t working. I linked all the photos to the appropriate costume, and you can see other costumes by clicking on the orange links.
As for the fish and chips recipe…I have no idea. I double checked/clicked the link and it goes to a cookie page. Hope this helps…
Tony I LOVE your website. I live in Scottsdale, Arizona. I see monarchs only at the end of Oct beginning of Nov.I do have Tropical milkweed and butterfly weed, along with other nectar plants and passion vine. We have a over wintering site Rio Salado Habitat in phoenix. I am going to go see it in november can not wait…
Thanks for all your GREAT info
Hi Debbie, it sounds like your season is just beginning. I hope you have lots of monarch activity and enjoy your trip to the overwintering site…