7 Butterfly Flowers Irresistible to Monarchs…and Hummingbirds!
Which Butterfly Plants Also Attract Hummingbirds? Discover Nourishing Nectar Flowers that will Entice Both Monarchs & Hummers to your Garden Doorstep…
Butterfly gardening in pots and creative container garden ideas.
Which Butterfly Plants Also Attract Hummingbirds? Discover Nourishing Nectar Flowers that will Entice Both Monarchs & Hummers to your Garden Doorstep…
Can swamp milkweed be grown in pots submerged in water?
How to quickly multiply your tropical milkweed supply by taking stem cuttings instead of slow-growing seeds…
Why growing some milkweed in pots is a good idea for both you and the monarchs + 6 milkweed varieties that work well in containers
6 Pink Butterfly Bush Varieties for your Garden?
Butterfly Bush Pruning Tips for Healthy Buddleia Plants with lots of blooms…and Butterflies!
These 7 simple fall gardening tips can help you end the butterfly garden season better prepared to host a bounty of butterflies and pollinators next spring…
How to overwinter butterfly plants INDOORS…with minimal cost and effort!
8 Pipevine Species that are NOT toxic to baby Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillars
How to create a butterfly garden that attracts and supports monarch butterflies and their kids…
How to grow healthy milkweed for monarchs in continuous growing regions…poll and discussion
Of all the questions I get about butterfly gardening, “How can I control aphids on my milkweed?” is probably the most frequent. Here are 10 ways to stop annoying aphids from taking over the monarchs’ milkweed supply.