How To Prune Butterfly Bush for Maximum Butterfly Effect
Butterfly Bush Pruning Tips for Healthy Buddleia Plants with lots of blooms…and Butterflies!
Butterfly Garden Ideas and Tips that really bring home the butterflies
Butterfly Bush Pruning Tips for Healthy Buddleia Plants with lots of blooms…and Butterflies!
3 Big Advantages of Winter Sown Milkweed + Winter Sowing Container ideas
If you’d like to lift up the struggling monarch population, here are 5 ways to positively impact monarch butterflies in 2024…and beyond!
11 Easy Steps for Winter Sowing Milkweed Seeds❓??
These 7 simple fall gardening tips can help you end the butterfly garden season better prepared to host a bounty of butterflies and pollinators next spring…
Is your native-only butterfly garden starving fall pollinators + Discover which nectar flowers monarchs prefer during the great fall migration.
Purple is the color of juicy plums, stunning sunsets, or a sparkling glass of wine…Steven Spielberg even made a classic movie about it! Are you looking for plants that add purple flower power of to your butterfly garden? Here are 6 excellent options that include both host plant and nectar flowers for monarchs and other pollinators.
How to overwinter butterfly plants INDOORS…with minimal cost and effort!
Which Annual Butterfly Plants are worth Overwintering Indoors…and Why?
Fall is upon us and it’s time to harvest your milkweed seeds. Learn how to separate seeds without making a fluffy, white mess!
Transplanting Milkweed with Taproots is Not an Impossible Dream. Here are 8 Tips to help your milkweed transplants not only survive…but thrive!
How Fall Planting Plants can give you a Huge Head Start on next Butterfly Season…